Thursday, February 16, 2012

Inside Westminster Abbey

Wednesday: Found a great Italian restaurant where three of us got pizza.  We each ordered a different kind but it comes out as one long pizza on a board each part is 25cm long.  The whole pizza was 75cm (about 30in) and we finished it all.

Thursday:  Since our tour of Westminster Abbey was cancelled last week, we were able to get it reschedule for today.  Pictures were only allowed in the cloister of the Abbey.  This is the part were people would have stayed when they lived or studied there in the 15th and 16th century.

One of the tombs that is left from the original Westminster Abbey that was built in the 11th century.

The two towers on the west front added in the 18th century. 
The chapel 
The stain glass in the chapel was added around the 18th or 19th century.  Its original design would have included thick solid glass of greens, reds, and blues, that did not allow for a lot of light to come through

Medieval limestone coffins with shaped heads found in the Abbey precincts
Inside, the Abbey contains thousands of memorials, including that of Charles Dickens who just celebrated his 200th birthday.

Later that night we saw The Trial of Ubu.

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