Monday, January 30, 2012

Day One: A Tour of the South Bank

Eating a lamb kabob, which is more like a gyro than a shish kabob

The iconic red double decker 

A Tour of London bus; might have to take that some time

Our Group standing on the London Bridge, the Tour Bridge is behind us,  listening to Professor Keddendy

The Southwark Cathedral, this end (east end) was build in the 13th century

The Southwark Cathedral, this end (west end) was build in the 19th century

Old door into the east end of the cathedral

The outside of the west end is covered in a black stone that is called flint

Ship on the Thames for tourists

14th Century cathedral uncovered during building renovations

The original Clink prison museum

19th century Southwark Bridge

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

The millennium walking bridge

St. Paul's Cathedral 

I just thought this was funny.  Now I am taking a picture of a man taking a picture of a person taking a picture.

Big Ben

London's eye - A giant Farris wheel that over looks the city center.  Each car holds twenty people.

The shadow of Big Ben as the sun goes down

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